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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 2 Verified and 5 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Yamhill, OR
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I tend to work well with clients struggling with relational issues, anxiety, depression, & trauma who are looking to improve the authenticity of their relationships. I believe everyone has the capacity to grow & thrive with the right support. My approach to therapy is based on the idea that relationships are fundamental to the health & well-being of my clients. My role is to collaborate with & challenge my clients to help them change their life perspectives & exist in ways that bring them both happiness & empowerment. View 39 Photos I favor the inclusion of family members, whether given or chosen, to create & maintain a foundation of support & understanding. I work from a client-centered relational perspective & integrate tools from different theoretical orientations to tailor the therapy to each individual client’s needs to best help them overcome the struggles they bring to sessions. My goal is to meet you where you are in your life & offer a place for self-exploration while pushing you to change unhealthy patterns. Challenging yourself to feel motivated, in control, & confident in your abilities to achieve goals & overcome the inevitable obstacles along the way is what therapy is about.
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✪ Licensed Professional Counselor ✪ National Certified Counselor (NCC®). ✪ Certified & Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP-C). ✪ Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC). Currently, I am a mental health therapist, working as a member of the Outreach, Assistive Services, and Integrated Supports team, within the Yamhill County Health and Human Services department. My focus is on individuals who have difficulty accessing traditional outpatient services due to medical issues or chronic health conditions and/or individuals who require a high level of care coordination due to special circumstances or needs. My aim is to help older adults, and adults with disabilities, overcome some of the challenges they often face in receiving mental health treatment. Primarily the services - which include therapy, consultation, and behavioral health case management - are provided on an outreach basis - so individuals can receive the needed services in their home or other community setting. When clinically indicated, services are also provided in the outpatient clinic. The core team that I am fortunate to currently work with included an intensive case management specialist, a peer support specialist, and an individual skills trainer. When I am not working, I treasure a good book. I enjoy reading and critically thinking about what I am reading then writing about it. I am a self-directed learner that is genuinely interested in learning new things and acquiring more knowledge; I have a "hungry brain".
C7102 | Oregon
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Newberg Counseling & Wellness is here for you. Our team of experienced, licensed therapists works with children, teens, parents, families, marriage, couples, men’s and women’s issues, LGBTQ identifying clients, adults for a range of concerns: depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction, relationship problems and people in seasons of change of all kinds. View 7 Photos We're passionate about delivering a personalized therapeutic experience to our clients—both online and in-person. Our team of clinicians have combined experience of more than 150 years of offering counseling and clinical services. Check out our "featured therapists" in the photo gallery, or visit for more info.
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I accept "YCCO" Yamhill Community Care Organization and OHP "Open Card" insurances for individual therapy sessions. I work with adults on a wide variety of issues with a focus on processing experiences, gaining a deeper connection to the self, and treating troubling symptoms or conditions. I also provide couples counseling to monogamous, committed couples who want to create a stronger, deeper connection with their partner and solve the repetitive cycles and problems that exist within their relationship. My work focuses on building strong connection to and understanding of the self through deep exploration and processing as well as skills building and symptom reduction. I offer free 15-minute phone consultations so that you can decide if you'd like to work with me. I have current openings to work with those who feel that they are a good match for my work. Visit my website: "" to learn more about my practice.
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Sometimes when we experience stress, loss or life transitions we can feel overwhelmed, alone and stuck. Therapy can offer you a safe space where you can become unstuck and evolve into You. In the therapeutic setting, I strive to provide a nonjudgmental, empathetic and supportive environment in which individuals can explore their hurts, struggles, hopes and dreams. Individuals will also gain skills, insight, and perspective which promote relief, healing and personal growth. Treatment is tailored specifically for you as there is "no one size fits all" when it comes to individual differences. I have worked in the mental health field for 13 years and have experience working with diverse clientele and populations. Some of these include: depression, anxiety, trauma related to violence or medical issues, grief and loss, life transitions, substance abuse, schizophrenia, eating disorders and relationship difficulties. I have found that a holistic approach is invaluable for clients. I believe everyone's life is unique. We are impacted by our culture, family, relationships, social environment, spiritual beliefs and biological factors. If these are out of balance our stress rises and can lead to other physical ailments.
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Have you ever felt like a pinball in a pinball machine that was launched into the world at high speed and is ricocheting from one thing to another with no ability to stop or get out of the ‘game’? This image describes of the effects of trauma in my life. Trauma can rob us of the ability to feel safe with others and to enjoy intimacy (feeling safe to share one’s deepest thoughts and feelings) in our relationships. Life becomes chaotic & out of control, it is hard to set and keep realistic goals even though one is trying hard to change. Shame grows & it is hard to hope. I’m a trauma survivor who's fascinated by the way trauma effects people, and most importantly, the ways in which it can be healed. Did you know that trauma is a brain issue? It is not a character defect or something that happens just to weak or frail individuals. It's also not a life sentence. There are many ways to treat trauma today and put it behind you. I am a wife of 43 years, a mother & grandma whose trauma was repressed/denied for 45 years but I still experienced symptoms as the trauma tried to work itself out. I secretly thought I was crazy and I was scared that people could tell. I credit my faith and God’s tender loving care for the healing I have received, and it's a joy to help others heal too.
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C7283 | Oregon
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