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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Center Valley, PA

location-map Center Valley, PA

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Imagine freeing yourself from the heaviness, self-doubt and shame/regret that you carry each day. Picture yourself living a meaningful, value-aligned life that radiates healthy boundaries, strength, healing, and self-compassion. My areas of specialties include: navigating issues pertaining to women, recovering from complex/chronic relational traumas, healing childhood wounds, and managing symptoms of anxiety, OCD, grief and depression. Through gentle nudges and unconditional support, you have the power to create a life worth living; a life guided by your inner sense of your truest self. Through integration of theoretical approaches derived from mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, I equip you with evidence-based skills to foster recovery, empowerment, resilience, and healing. I will be the gentle push that supports you through times of change and growth. It takes tremendous courage to show up for yourself. Built on a foundation of trust, unconditional support/admiration, and genuineness, let me help you begin to rewrite your personal narrative as you break from self-limiting beliefs that keep you feeling drained and stuck in your life’s patterns. You, more than anyone, deserve light, love, and healing.