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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 2 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cumberland, PA

location-map Cumberland , PA | (717) 798 8965

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From 0 Reviews

I believe that a good therapist doesn't "fix" you, because no one really needs "fixing." My goal is to create a supportive environment to help you express yourself and learn the skills necessary to handle whatever life might throw your way. Whether you're experiencing depression, anxiety, or are just going through a rough time, there are a variety of strategies we can use to get you back to enjoying life. In my sessions, I like to utilize cognitive behavioral techniques to help you feel more confident in your ability to handle life's stressors. The ultimate goal is for you to feel confident in handling whatever life hands you. I enjoy helping people develop skills to better cope with their life circumstances. I have a passion for working with members of the LGBTQ+ community, survivors of trauma, and young adults trying to find their way. I also pride myself on the work that I've done with the trans community in helping people live their lives authentically. At some point, life is challenging for all of us. Through my work, I have been amazed at the difficult situations that people are able to overcome in order to have happy and healthy lives. To make counseling even more accessible, my sessions are being offered entirely via telehealth so you can conveniently meet with me from the comfort of your own home.

location-map Cumberland , PA

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From 0 Reviews

Licence Information:

PS005719L | Pennsylvania

location-map Cumberland , PA

Not Accepting Clients

Average Rating
From 0 Reviews

Licence Information:

PS016139 | Pennsylvania