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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 2 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Delaware, PA

location-map Delaware , PA | (610) 915 8533

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From 0 Reviews

I believe that psychotherapy is a partnership between the therapist and client where we work together, in a safe, confidential atmosphere, to address the issues that brought you to therapy. I work with clients from diverse backgrounds who want help for many different problems. Some people have specific issues, such as marital conflicts, questions about parenting or help dealing with major life transitions. Others are bothered by more general issues, such as longstanding feelings of anxiety, anger, sadness or a sense that something is missing in their lives. Regardless of the initial problems, we will work together to identify, understand and change the uncomfortable feelings, self-defeating thoughts and behavior patterns that hold you back from resolving your issues and achieving a more productive and fulfilling life.

location-map Delaware , PA | (267) 489 2081

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From 0 Reviews

If it feels like something needs to change soon and you are looking for relief, I can help you. Life doesn't have to be this hard, and you don't have to do it all alone. I'm here to listen to what you need and be a part of your experience. In sessions, we may use music, art, or EMDR to take simple steps towards lasting improvements. Personal growth is important, and so are family relationships, so I may ask you to bring family members to repair these relationships, even if it feels hopeless. My emphasis is on helping individuals as well as families accept themselves and each other. Most of my clients express feeling a sense of relief when they leave each session because of a renewed sense of direction and improvement. Clients say that they appreciate my supportive and nonjudgmental approach. I accept many health insurances. If you are concerned how much sessions might cost, I can verify your insurance for you and let you know ahead of time how much it will be per session.

location-map Delaware , PA

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Licence Information:


Owner of Restoration Counseling Services

location-map Delaware , PA | (610) 609 7182

Accepting New Clients

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Licence Information:

PC009089 | Pennsylvania