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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Elk, PA

location-map Elk , PA | (610) 756 2403

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Are you a woman whose anxiety, unmet expectations or comparison of others is causing you to feel emotionally drained? Do you struggle with disordered eating, body image issues or behaviors that make you want to hide and isolate from others? Are you dealing with unresolved trauma, grief and loss, difficult life transitions or unhealthy boundaries that are causing problems in your relationships? Are you a friend, mother, or significant other who never feels good enough or appreciated so you react with anger, defensiveness and then feel guilt and shame afterwards? If any of this sounds like you, I can help! Clients come to me needing a therapist who can help them learn how to be self-aware, build healthy boundaries and quiet the chaos in their mind and body. Together, we will safely explore thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are keeping you stuck. Christian counseling is offered if you would like to integrate your spiritual beliefs into session. As an experienced women’s therapist, I know there is freedom for women to live without the pressures that so often weigh them down. No longer do you have to feel chained to your emotions or other's expectations of you and you don’t have to do it alone. Check out my website and call me for a free consult. I can’t wait to hear from you!