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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Huntingdon Valley, PA

location-map Huntingdon Valley, PA | (267) 833 2523

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I believe that we all have an instinct toward growth and healing, and my experience with clients continues to affirm that with good support, everyone has the innate capacity to change. I trust and respect clients by bringing my genuine curiosity, deep sense of acceptance, and keen intuition to what they share with me. Troubling events and traumas happen to all of us, but as we explore old beliefs and process through difficult emotions, it is possible to alter those ingrained habits that prevent growth, and move into a more free experience of yourself. I have an open, relaxed, interactive style based on a holistic perspective. Studies have shown that the most important component of successful therapy is the relationship between therapist and client. Through ongoing exploration of my own issues, I've developed a self-honesty that gives me a humble perspective, and helps me to see some of the unconscious nuances in the struggles of others. I find great satisfaction in working with families, couples, and individuals, using elements of various therapy models such as Gestalt, Jung, EMDR and IFS. If these aren’t familiar to you—no worries! The important thing is your sense of safety and connection.