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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mercer, PA
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Hi, I'm Dr. Fred Gallo and I want to Welcome you to Gallo & Associates Psychological Services. We've been in practice since 1977, offering cutting-edge therapy, coaching and evaluations to help individuals, couples, and families. We're passionate about helping people to overcome trauma, PTSD, grief, phobias, anxiety, addiction, depression, chronic pain, and relationship problems. Having published 9 books on brief therapies including Energy Psychology, I also train therapists worldwide in these skills. My staff and I want to help you to resolve challenges, feel better, and improve your quality of life. We work with you to achieve your goals efficiently. We offer Psychological Testing; Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy; Coaching; Energy Psychology; EMDR; CBT; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Hypnosis; Visualization; and Mindfulness. We also offer evaluations for Psychological, Psycho-Educational, Vocational, Neuro-Psychological, Disability, Chronic Pain, Implantable Therapy clearance, Bariatric Surgery, Custody, Competency, Treatment Planning, Police and Lethal Weapons.
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I am the Owner and Founder of MultiPath Counseling LLC. I am an LCSW with 12+ years experience with Mental Health and provide Telehealth Services along with In-office therapy appointments. I have worked in many different Mental Health Settings such as: Residential, IBHS, Drug and Alcohol, and Community Based. Call me to discuss your needs! I also incorporate traditional counseling sessions with Equine Assisted Activities. EAP is an option and is offered at an offsite location (only in Spring / Summer months)! Allow me to help you by providing support, guidance, consult, education, and psychotherapy at your own pace. I can provide a wide variety of tools that will help you protect and nurture your behavioral well being. I am certified in EMDR, CCTP, and EAP. My approach is strength-based, person centered, and individualized. I believe that an individual has the ability to heal from the inside out through recognizing, learning about their Mental Health, and practicing behavioral changes. My role as your therapist is to help you with recognizing your strengths, managing your Mental Health symptoms, and assisting you with the changes you want to make.
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