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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In New Bethlehem, PA

location-map New Bethlehem, PA | (814) 275 6611

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From 0 Reviews

In our therapy sessions, we'll work together to solve current problems and improve positive thinking and behavior resulting from past experiences. Therapy will help you see new possibilities and skills helping you through life's journey. I'm confident you'll find personalized individual therapy beneficial and inspirational. We will use cognitive behavioral therapy or EMDR as a starting place to help you look at situations differently and learn the control you have in how you think and respond to events. We can not control other people, but you can control how you react to them. During your first appointment will spend some time getting to know each other and building trust. Our sessions are a judgement free, safe space to talk about and feel anything that you want. We will work together to develop a plan to help you reach your goals. Through 19 years of experience I have gained a wealth of knowledge and insight that allows me to provide you with expert care. Though we often cannot change the events that are happening we can work together to change how you experience them and increase your resilience to become stronger.