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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Penn Valley, PA

location-map Penn Valley, PA | (215) 874 0440

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From 0 Reviews

I have expertise in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of mental health disorders and/or developmental disabilities. I provide cognitive-behavioral therapy to adolescents, adults and families. Regarding my approach to therapy, first and foremost I strive to built a positive and supportive relationship with my clients. I focus on each persons individual needs, meeting the client where they are in the present moment. My goal is to provide positive support and a safe space for an individual to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. I am trained in a wide rage of assessments for children and adolescents. I also provide cognitive behavioral therapy to children and adults. I can both evaluate and treat individuals for a wide range of mental health conditions. I encourage you to reach out for an initial phone consultation to see if I can be the right fit for you. Finding the right therapist can be challenging and overwhelming and I would be happy to help you navigate this process.