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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Pocono Manor, PA

location-map Pocono Manor, PA | (929) 493 4894

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You: Your whole life, even before the pandemic, you would feel stressed all the time. A main reason is that other people’s feelings impact you profoundly. You experience their feelings more intensely than they do. Sometimes, you can channel it so this helps you connect with people, but most of the time, you end up swirling around in your own complex feelings. This has happened with practically everyone, and you can’t shut it off. The vast majority of your experience is interior. You often feel tired, and you know that this is a big reason why. Other times, you feel angry, even if you have no idea why. Me: I work with intelligent, empathic people embroiled in intense, inner challenges. Over the course of nineteen years, I have developed techniques that help people like you become much happier, and stay that way. There are two main aspects to what I do. First, I show you how to embrace your true nature. Second, I give you better techniques to use. My educational years were all met with high honors and scholarships. I was appointed the first-ever health systems specialist for my work with nursing homes at the New York State Department of Health. I listen and collaborate with my clients in order to help them achieve their highest self. I come from a strengths perspective and I believe in self-love.