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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Turtle Creek, PA

location-map Turtle Creek, PA | (878) 205 0542

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Welcome, welcome, WELCOME! All my life I have believed that a person needs to be the change they want to see in the world. Thus my practice is one where people are free to learn, to grow, to express themselves freely and without judgement about whatever ails them. This could be daily life struggles of riding public transportation, or more philosophical questions about the meaning of life, and everything in between. All it takes to start is the willingness to have a conversation. I take a trauma focused, client first approach which makes getting that conversation started even easier! With having a DECADE of experience in the mental health field, I specialize in structural cognitive reality therapy as a certified trauma therapist. Thus I'm able to adapt and match my counseling style to serve a variety of clients, ranging from anxiety to depression to more complicated mood and behavioral disorders, such as bipolar and schizophrenia. Every journey starts with the first step. Let your first step be reaching out to me and seeing if I can help with whatever ails you. Everyone could benefit from having a life coach in their corner. Let me be yours.