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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Washington Crossing, PA

location-map Washington Crossing, PA | (215) 398 1277

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I am a registered Art Therapist who has been serving people with mental health issues for over 21 years. I have experience with a wide range of mental health issues, particular focus on those who have suffered from a traumatic event (natural disasters, abuse, domestic violence, divorce, suicide, crimes, grief, and the like). I also have Many years experience providing group therapy for children with ADHD, Aspergers and anxiety issues. The aim of these groups are to help children understand and learn healthy social skills, expressive and communication skills. Providing group experiences helps children to 'practice' these healthy skills. By using creative therapeutic approaches, clients are able to gain greater insight and coping strategies in a shorter amount of time as compared to traditional therapies. I incorporate art therapy, verbal therapy, writing excersises, meditation and yoga techniques, along with breathework to provide a holistic therapeutic experience for my clients. I provide individual, family, and group therapies to clients with mental health issues including, but not limited to depression, anxiety, suicidality, grief, abuse, trauma, anger issues, behavioral issues. I provide thearaputic services to children, teens, and adults. I taylor therapeutic interventions to each client and their specific mental health needs.