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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Santurce, SAN+JUAN
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Santurce, San Juan | (787) 592 6156
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There are things from your past that you've tried ignoring and you hate thinking about. But no matter what you do, those traumatic experiences still seem to taint your relationships, thoughts, and mood. You've tried to move on and let it go, but you just can't. You know you're ready finally to heal and work through your trauma. You're ready to do the hard work that you've been putting off so you can feel a sense of peace and live your life to the fullest. View 6 Photos I work with clients who have anxiety, trauma, depression, difficulty to making decisions, irritability and help them heal and transform their lives so they can really start living. I have my clients learn more about themselves through an evidence-based and holistic processes such as EMDR and mindfulness so we can integrate mind and body. Together we'll work so you can feel empowered to make sustainable changes towards your own resilience and growth. I integrate different treatment modalities so you can live in the present and not feel like your past is overshadowing your life. Reach out to set up a free consultation to see if we’re a good fit to work together.
Santurce, San Juan | (925) 252 5434
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It's hard for you to put yourself first or even ask for help. You're usually the the go-to person for your family, friends, or coworkers so prioritizing your own mental health almost feels selfish since you think you "don't have it that bad". You named yourself your family's CEO, but you're so tired. You just want someone to ask what you need and how they can help before you start nagging them. Despite all you do, you're left with the feeling like you're not doing enough. You're finally ready to take the step to reconnect with your own needs, make yourself a priority and find relief from your anxiety, overwhelm, and stress. View 7 Photos I specialize in anxiety, stress, & helping people who are tired of putting themselves last & want stop feeling guilty about prioritizing their own well-being. I help my clients align their lives with their values & empower them to make sustainable changes. I'll help you learn tools to cope with your stress & anxiety to show up as the person you want to be. We'll integrate your core values and mindfulness techniques so we can align our work with what's most important to you. I use a holistic approach so you can find relief from your anxiety & stress to feel more grounded & balanced. I offer online therapy while being compassionately direct with a hint of humor. Visit my website to book a free consultation!
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