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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lancaster, SC

location-map Lancaster , SC | (561) 404 9824

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“What if I miss up?” “If I don’t do well on this report/presentation I will get fired and then I will lose my home.” “If it’s not perfect then it’s not good enough, I’m not good enough.” Do these thoughts remind you of anything? This is what anxiety sounds like, a cycle of thoughts that lead to feelings of exhaustion, fear and loss of control. Anxiety can also lead to loss of relationships, trouble at work, physical and medical concerns and keep you from reaching true happiness. Through weekly counseling we will identify unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors that are keeping you stuck in this cycle of anxiety. We will work together to create a plan that works best for you so you can move forward and no longer be held back by anxiety. Now imagine your life without anxiety, or even just a little less anxiety. What does it look like? Can you remember a time when you weren't as anxious? If what you imagine sounds exciting then take the next step towards freedom and schedule a session today.