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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jefferson, TN

location-map Jefferson , TN | (865) 213 9120

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English  |  español Not accepting clients at this time! Seeking help can be scary, but the decision to initiate therapy is an important step. Often, we struggle in silence, feeling alone, overwhelmed with depression & anxiety. As a therapist, my goal is to build a relationship with you to walk alongside you in your unique life journey. I offer a space to focus your intention, and heal from what’s been keeping you from experiencing life fully. In therapy I utilized a strength-based and collaborative approach to address your specific needs and goals. I am bicultural and offer counseling to individuals ages 18 and up to provide individual counseling in English and Español. I offer my skills in addiction & recovery, trauma, and relationship issues to educate and provide support. If you are looking for extra support and guidance through your rough time or are ready to take this step.

Owner/ Mental Health Counselor

location-map Jefferson , TN | (708) 710 2488

Accepting New Clients

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Licence Information:

180013196 | Illinois