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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lenoir City, TN

location-map Lenoir City, TN | (865) 674 9077

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ABA Therapy, or Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy, is the most recommended treatment for individuals on the autism spectrum and other developmental disorders. While most ABA therapy programs focus on servicing children from 2-7 years old, Autism and Behavioral Center onboards clients up to 16 years old because some individuals need continued support as they age. We have broken down our ABA therapy programs by age group. In addition to one-on-one ABA therapy, we also provide ABA Parent Training and customized groups for clients receiving ABA therapy. ABC strives to teach children and adolescents to generalize their skills. This means they can transfer new information and apply skills to all areas of their life, such as in the community, at school, or in the home.