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Today is March 28, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Old Hickory, TN

location-map Old Hickory, TN | (615) 282 5138

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I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who specializes in treating children and adolescents. I have been working with children for over 20 years and truly enjoy seeing children move from timid and anxious to confident and self assured. I can help kids deal with divorce, death, abuse, anxiety and many other issues that affect children and adolescents. I will help them to be better at dealing with life as it comes to them and to be more assured when things get hard. I am a Consultant with EMDR which is trauma therapy. I also see adults for EMDR as well with children and adolescents. Children and adolescents experience and have an emotional response to all the same stressors that adults have. Children, however, do not have the wisdom of age the knowledge of education or in many cases the vocabulary to express themselves or understand the things that happen to them or in their lives. I use EMDR with my child and adolescent clients. Through child and adolescent centered therapy kids can process, understand and become more aware of their own ability to handle lifes ups and downs. Through family therapy parents and children learn or improve skills they have, develop mutual respect for each other so that the home is a peaceful and fun place to be.