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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Thompsons Station, TN

location-map Thompsons Station, TN | (615) 908 3995

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Hi! I am Stacy Phillips and I have been a mental health therapist, supervisor, educator, coach and consultant for over a decade! I love working with people to help them get unstuck, heal from past wounds, find clarity and peace for today, and develop a plan to live out the future they have always dreamed of having! I am a licensed professional mental health counselor and clinical supervisor in the state of Tennessee. I have worked in private, community, and commercial/corporate settings and I have certifications both present and former in DBT, PD, and Clinical Trauma. I love working with women, and those in caregiving professions. I am a warm, funny and transparent person who sees each person who sits with me as a unique and complex individual who has gifts and talents to share and a story that is worth telling! I believe wholeheartedly that people do the best they can with what they are given in life, and they can grow and do better, balancing acceptance and change simultaneously! My job is to help you validate and accept where you are while at the same time helping you to see where you want change and how to make it happen. Most of all, I believe in the transformative power of relationships that are built on love, grace, and truth and every relationship that I cultivate in my office is built on those foundational principles.