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Today is March 27, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In White House, TN

location-map White House, TN | (615) 455 2283

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Note: return calls will be from a different number from the one listed on this page! If you send email and do not receive a reply, please check your spam folder! I work with teens and adults who struggle with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, parenting, life changes and other issues. View 5 Photos I look for repeating patterns of behavior originating from childhood (Schema Therapy). That is when we learn how the world works and how we fit into it. Often that view is no longer appropriate and causes issues your current life. To help move past those and learn more helpful views, I use talk therapy, EMDR, ETFT, and guided imagery. I believe counseling is an investment you have to make in yourself. There are a variety of counseling techniques that can be helpful, but each of them requires you to take an honest look at yourself and work to make changes that can be as difficult as they are rewarding. I look forward to helping you along this journey!