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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Brazos, TX
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Currently Accepting New Client-. I am an interpersonal process/person-centered therapist. I believe that many clients experience mental health concerns that are interpersonal in nature. This could include relationships with spouse/partner, family, siblings, co-workers, employers, God and/or SELF. Within relationships we experience our emotions and our therapeutic relationship becomes a tool for addressing these concerns. I tend to be a direct therapist and share my feelings, thoughts and reactions. I use a lot of metaphor and narrative in therapy and expect clients to come prepared to talk about things in therapy. View 6 Photos I am a generalist, which simply means that I am trained/qualified to address a variety of presenting mental health concerns. These may include depression, anxiety, relationship issues, personality disorders, identity concerns, suicidal thoughts, stress, trauma, men's issues, chronic pain and many more. You will find warmth, but most importantly, change. Our office is in Bryan, TX and I also have associates that work with me who work at a reduced rate. Additionally, we can provide some minor assessments and multiple areas of forensic work, from psychological evaluations, ordered counseling, and custody evaluations. We also offer a marital intensive retreat called the Marriage Knot (
72142 | Texas
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