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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cedar Park, TX
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Cedar Park, TX | (544) 002 6221
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Interested in online counseling? If you have an internet connection, I can provide video counseling from the privacy & comfort of your own home. Life is stressful and if you are struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship dissatisfaction, chronic illness, grief, or a life transition (leaving for college, becoming a new parent, recently retired, just received a major medical diagnosis, etc), I would love to help you develop better ways to cope with your discomfort. My sincere goal is to provide an opportunity for growth and positive change, using a treatment approach that is individualized to your unique situation. After working in private practice for over 17 years, I began offering teletherapy (online counseling) which allows for a personal therapy experience from the comfort & privacy of your own home. You can access individual therapy services from your laptop, tablet, or smartphone without the inconvenience of traveling to an office location and waiting room. Call for free 10 min consult. Reach out today & begin building more resources to help you cope. Learn to experience difficult emotions instead of running from them, to recover faster from upsetting situations & feelings, and to choose behaviors that enhance your core values & quality of life. Direct scheduling:
Cedar Park, TX | (314) 643 9712
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You have made the brave decision to seek support and you are worth it. Meeting with a therapist can be intimidating; it requires strength and vulnerability. We are imperfectly human and we deserve to work towards honest self-acceptance, empowerment, and esteem in a safe place. Anxiety, codependence, depression, grief, isolation, and feelings of powerlessness can leave us exhausted and at a loss for answers. It can be easy to forget that we deserve "to be loved, and to feel worthwhile" (W. Glasser). I invite you to remember that when experiencing stress. It would be an honor to be witness to the growth of your self love. Women so often feel overwhelmed by responsibilities, expectations, and a need to do/be it all, they can feel like it's their fault that some days anxiety and depression get the best of them. If asking for help has been challenging for you in the past, let's work together to redefine your source of agency and peace. I look forward to connecting with you. I work with adult (age 18+) women who reside in Missouri, Texas, or Virginia. Cut & paste the link below to create an account & make an appointment. All you need is a private place to talk & wifi (or data). Email is the best way to contact me. Please note, my calendar reflects Central Standard Time.
Cedar Park, TX | (737) 530 9694
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When we see unexpected behaviors in children and adolescents an underlying emotional complexity is often revealed. As a therapist, I offer support to children, adolescents, and parents in unraveling these emotions and fostering healing within the family dynamic. I specialize in addressing a range of concerns, with a focus on behavioral issues, anxiety, and depression. My expertise lies in helping individuals navigate and overcome these challenges to promote overall well-being and personal growth. In my therapeutic practice, I incorporate evidence-based methods, including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, mindfulness, psychoeducation, and solution-focused techniques. Through the integration of these approaches, my goal is to empower clients to cultivate healthy coping skills, navigate challenging emotions and foster resilience in their lives. Acknowledging the need for support can be challenging, and I want to assure you that I am here to help. Together, we can navigate this journey towards growth and well-being.
Cedar Park, TX | (512) 525 8942
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Patrick Lee is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC State of Texas). He earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology from Western Michigan University and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Counselor Education and Supervision at the University of the Cumberlands. Patrick’s extensive experience with depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance use comes from years of supporting clients in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Patrick believes a person’s story is unique and worthy of being heard. He remains committed to understanding the expressions of who you are and whom you want to be; supporting you toward your personal goals, growth, and fulfillment. Patrick envisions his role as a collaborator with you in supporting your further understanding of self.
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