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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Copperas Cove, TX

location-map Copperas Cove, TX | (254) 781 3321

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Stress, anxiety, anger, depression, trauma and drama...We have all encountered them! But, you don't have to face these common life difficulties alone. I am here to help. With extensive training and experience, I provide a compassionate, confidential, and non-judgmental environment that is safe for you. Though it is sometimes necessary to look at history, I believe that time and energy are better spent focusing on where you're going rather than where you've been. No, we cannot re-write your past but we can work together to write the future you want. Let's begin your next chapter! My specialized training offers techniques for building healthy relationships. I provide interactive exercises that develop stress, anxiety, and anger management skills aiding with improving effective communication and increasing self-esteem. Innumerable hours of training on PTSD and personal experiences give me a powerful insight as I work with our veterans. Because mental health supports physical health, genuine care helps create a comfortable setting. I assist you in going beneath "see" level. Like the suited scuba diver, external pressures can seem to dissipate as we go deeper into the discovery of your desired resolutions. This brings health to your whole person.