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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In San Antonio, TX
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San Antonio, TX | (830) 465 3623
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Is life getting you down? Are you struggling and don't know where to turn? We can help! We welcome clients who need help to get things back on track, no matter what the concern. We welcome clients of all ages, races, religions, and life stages who are interested in working through life, together with their therapist. We are here to offer you support and healing during life's good and rough times. Check us out at Ashley Stephens and the other therapists at Apela see clients online through telehealth. The therapists at Apela Counseling specialize in many different types of therapy, from supportive, to modality-based (those with more structured sessions). Our therapists have diverse expertise and are ready to help you. Teens, children, adults, parenting issues, foster care, etc., we can tackle any number of concerns. Reach out to get the ball rolling. The first step may be the hardest, but we'll help from here on. We can't wait to speak with you!
San Antonio, TX | (210) 750 6587
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There is no denying that life brings both joy and sorrow. Have you found yourself holding it together and pretending to be ok on the outside but you’re falling apart on the inside? Are you consumed by worry, fear, doubt and constantly question what the future holds for you? Do you feel lost, numb, or alone? If the statements above sound like you, there is hope! You don’t have to go through this difficult time alone. I can help! You and I will work together identifying strengths you already have to improve and navigate the world around you. This therapeutic process may bring laughter and sometimes tears but ultimately healing. My background encompasses 10+ years of experience working with a diverse set of clients from all walks of life. I help clients navigate common roadblocks including struggles with anxiety, depression, interpersonal relationship conflicts, poor boundaries, low self-esteem, stress, and trauma. I use cognitive behavioral strategies and psychodynamic techniques. As a queer-affirming therapist, I provide a safe space for clients to explore all issues including gender identity and self expression without fear of judgment. If you desire a therapist who is committed to helping you grow, look no further! I would love to help you regain control back over your life, and achieve a sense of purpose and self-sufficiency.
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