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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In South Weber, UT

location-map South Weber, UT | (801) 845 3811

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Hello and welcome! I'm Tanner Taggart, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a passion for integrating the therapeutic process with the serene beauty of nature. I believe in the transformative power of therapy and have found that holding sessions outdoors, with the calming backdrop of nature, can enhance the healing journey. This inspired me to specialize in Walk and Talk Therapy, an innovative therapeutic approach that combines the benefits of traditional therapy with the restorative elements of nature. My approach to therapy is deeply rooted in a holistic perspective. I firmly believe that this comprehensive method, which considers the interconnectedness of all aspects of your life, is the most effective way to foster lasting change. My overarching objective is to provide support and empower you in your journey towards healing. There's absolutely no shame in experiencing mental health challenges. Seeking help is a crucial step towards embracing a happier, more fulfilling life. My role is to journey alongside you during difficult times, guiding you towards a place of growth. I invite you to reach out for an initial conversation to see if setting up an appointment sounds right to you