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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bedford, VA
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Counseling is a gift because although it takes an amazing amount of courage to share what you are going through, your story is valuable and uniquely yours. I do my best to provide a warm, safe space for you to unpack your story in a way that is helpful to you. From my perspective, many stories are told through the lens of relationships. A relationship can range from friendship to even one’s communication with The Lord. I establish to work with individuals, couples, and families to explore how we can work together to build trust where it was lost, unity where there is brokenness, and communication where there is silence. View 4 Photos I have seen injured relationships reveal themselves through depression, the inability to communicate, excessive worry, anger, fear of others, sleep deprivation, straying from your faith, and many other symptoms. Regardless of where you are at in your story, I would love to walk alongside of you to discover what healing we can endure together. I am PREPARE/ENRICH Certified, and Gottman Level 1 Trained, both of which add to my knowledge of romantic relationships. I am always looking for more opportunities to grow, learn, and implement new ways to help the individuals, couples, and families I work with. In my free time, I enjoy journaling, hiking, and spending precious time with my family.
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