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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Caroline, VA
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Caroline , VA | (703) 291 3681
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I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and an approved Counselor Supervisor, experienced in providing therapy to children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. I help clients address anxiety, depression, relationship/marital difficulties, grief & loss difficulties, parental separation/divorce, trauma/PTSD, suicidal ideation/self-harm, social phobias, peer relationship and social skills difficulties, ADHD, and behavioral Issues. I use a variety of techniques to include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Solution Focused Therapy techniques to guide clients through their challenges. With the client, I develop an individualized treatment plan to help them construct solutions. Together clients and I develop effective coping skills using a variety of expressive therapy interventions. I believe people have the ability to overcome problems when provided a safe helping environment to grow the necessary skills for change. I believe a strong working relationship between client and counselor allows for trust and healing. I am a retired soldier and a military spouse and have seen resiliency at work and believe it resides in everyone.
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