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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hanover, VA

location-map Hanover , VA | (804) 277 2162

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Whatsoever things are TRUE ... on those things we should concentrate. So, what is true? The truth is that you CAN replace your negative self-image with a positive one, you CAN heal from childhood pain and trauma, you CAN repair and improve relationships, you CAN overcome depression and anxiety, and you CAN write the next chapter of your life differently. The lie is that nothing can change! Life is a journey that can be redirected at any time with the right help, so you are not trapped in your present situation. We can combine your desire and courage with my knowledge, skills, and empathy, to make these truths your new reality. View 10 Photos I am a Board Certified Mental Health Counselor and an RN with hospital/teaching experience. Combining that with 20+ years as a Navy Reservist wife and a wealth of life experience, uniquely qualifies me to help you resolve a variety of individual and couples' issues with knowledge, expertise, acceptance, and compassion in an emotionally safe environment. My favorite quote: "It is never too late to be what you might have been" (George Eliot) holds true both for individuals and for couples. If you have a vision of what "might have been" for yourself or a relationship, I'd be honored to help you reach that place.

location-map Hanover , VA | (804) 251 3679

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Are you in your darkest hour because of debilitating thoughts? Are you suffering with the anguish of loss? Are you scared there might be no way out? Do you want nothing more than to be free of that pain? If so, I am in tune with how painful this journey can be. What lifted me up and out of my pain were the helping hands and kind words of another person. Since that moment, I have devoted myself and my gifts to becoming that same helping hand for others. I used the help I received as a guide of the light I want to share wherever it may be needed. Pain can touch the lives of all of us. Pain can make the healing process difficult. I have been gifted with the special skill of helping others through their pain and transitioning on to a better and happier life. I am here to provide that listening ear and powerful counseling tools that will lead you to the other side of your pain. You will be able to experience a new life.