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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Saint Thomas, VI

location-map Saint Thomas, VI | (561) 220 2529

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I believe that each individual is unique, and shaped by their life experiences. Problems and difficulties develop when we begin to live in a way that is not in accordance with our "true self". My main goal as a therapist is to help patients explore what path they need to take in order to be authentic to who they are. The ultimate goal for each person is to live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. View 5 Photos I have worked in the field of psychology for over 10 years and have had the privilege of working with many people with varying presenting problems, cultures, and goals. I specialize in psychological assessment of ADHD, learning disorders, and neuropsychological screenings, as well as, anxiety, depression, and trauma. I provide services in a culturally sensitive environment and have experience helping clients work through issues related to minority status.

location-map Saint Thomas, VI | (954) 998 0018

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As an expert in the areas of anxiety, depression, and infidelity, I am committed to helping clients learn how to incorporate practical coping mechanisms, identify and utilize accessible supports and resources, as well as, build healthier intimate relationships. My work focuses on targeting, negative/false thoughts prompting feelings of excessive worry, ineffective behavioral responses to shifts in your mood, and unhealthy relationship patterns that often leave couples susceptible to relationship distress such as infidelity. I believe in taking a collaborative, non-judgmental approach to helping clients reach their goals. As such, I operate as a team player in the therapy room. You identify your desired goals and we work together to achieve them.

location-map Saint Thomas, VI | (479) 239 9769

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Do you struggle with sadness, depression, relationship issues, anxiety, or stress? My mission is to help you feel deeply understood and connected as you gain awareness of how your rational mind, core emotions, and body are inextricably linked. I know that reaching out for professional help can be difficult for many. That is why I have developed a practice that is kind and compassionate. My long experience has taught me that therapy must be dynamic, interactive, non-judgmental, along with a healthy sense of humor. I take a whole-person, integrative approach based on my years of education, training, and experience in psychotherapy, psychology, health and wellness, mental health disorders, and addictions. Together we can develop a new understanding of who you are, thereby discovering and encouraging the tools that will allow you to build on your strengths and heal. If my approach sounds like a good fit for you, please contact us to schedule an initial consultation. We will work as a team to identify and affect the specific change you need to address your particular concerns.