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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 5 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Washington, VT

location-map Washington , VT | (828) 759 5262

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My passion comes from helping people move past the losses and traumas of their past and into a rich and full life. Trauma and the losses we experience in life can wound us on every level - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. My desire is to see you pick up the pieces and create a beautiful life beyond the struggle of grief, anxiety, postpartum difficulties, infertility, disordered eating, childhood abuse, and other painful life events. My approach is one of compassion, honesty, and a little bit of sass - to help you rediscover a life of passion, beauty, joy, fulfillment, and empowerment. I have a professional and personal investment in working with those who have experienced the death of a child during pregnancy, infancy, childhood, or adulthood. I also work well with those who experience long-term chronic and/or complex trauma and who feel past approaches haven't been as helpful. I practice from a health at every size (HAES) perspective. I see clients Monday thru Wednesday. Email is the preferred method of contact (Honestly, I'm terrible with voicemail). I do my best to respond to every request (usually on Thurs/Fri), however, times are weird and sometimes life gets in the way. If you do not get a response within 1 week, please accept my apologies and assume that I don't have availability.

location-map Washington , VT | (802) 392 3624

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Everyone comes to psychotherapy with a unique set of concerns; thus, every course of psychotherapy is different. Part of my role is learning how I can be helpful to you in particular. In general, I view therapy as a place for increasing self-awareness. Often, we don't fully understand why we go about our lives as we do - and why we have the difficulties that we have. Without adequate self-awareness, we tend to unwittingly repeat the same patterns. It is only when we understand ourselves as we truly are that we become free to choose new possibilities. I am trained to help you get to know yourself better by carefully attending to what you say, asking questions that will deepen our dialogue, and making connections and observations. Together, we will learn about you and your challenges, and in so doing, free you up for new growth.

location-map Washington , VT | (802) 327 7605

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Suffering is often a call from the soul, a call for change. It takes courage to answer that call, and sometimes someone to walk along beside you as you journey through the dark and unknown spaces. Our strengths often reside in these spaces, in the parts of ourselves that we’ve rejected and stuffed away. I offer a collaborative and safe environment that honors the wide spectrum of humanness and the intrinsic power and worth of each individual. By listening deeply to the messages of our physical experience, as well as our thought patterns, emotions and spiritual perceptions, greater well-being and health are possible. I specialize in using hypnotherapy to address anxiety, trauma, addiction and chronic pain. I love to show clients how to successfully change difficult patterns of reactivity, anxiety, self-doubt, low self-esteem and the symptoms in the body that so often come with these experiences. I look forward to showing you a way change patterns and to come into alignment with what you truly desire. These changes include resolving physical discomfort, alleviating addictive behaviors, increasing self-esteem, achieving goals, healing trauma and relieving many other ailments of the body, mind and soul.

location-map Washington , VT | (802) 766 0656

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Hello, I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). Many of us experience symptoms of unresolved trauma and/or chronic stress and want to feel more ease and connection while experiencing a greater sense of safety and belonging. Many of us want to live into our full potential and/or authentic selves. Somatic Experiencing (SE) offers a gentle pathway to re-inhabiting or connecting to our bodies at a safe pace to address symptoms that may include anxiety, overwhelm, feeling stuck, fatigue, insomnia, numbness, fear/hyper-vigilance, anger, chronic health issue, and/or pain. My intention is offer a safe and settled presence while offering guidance that uses gentle Somatic Experiencing practices and techniques. This approach helps you connect with your body's innate intelligence and language to renegotiate and resolve stress and trauma stored in the body. This work is collaborative, empowering, and uses consent-based practices. Individual, generational, and historic trauma impacts so many of us is a myriad of ways. The good news is that trauma can be resolved and healed over time, growing inner awareness, resilience, and a greater capacity to meet life's challenges. If you would like to meet and learn more about this body-based approach, I look forward to hearing from you!

location-map Washington , VT | (802) 424 9202

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My goal is to help you create the changes you want for your life. Whether you would like to experience less anxiety, handle grief with more grace, improve relationships, or process past trauma, I want to help you get to where you are going. I strive to show up as an ally for our BIPOC and LGBTQ communities. Hablo español con fluidez. Clientes hispanohablantes son siempre muy bienvenidos. Some of my sessions are conducted on hiking trails for people who feel they would benefit from outdoor therapy. At this time I am only working with adults over 18, and only in individual therapy. I meet with clients in my office in Montpelier, and on trails for outdoor counseling. I specialize in working with trauma and PTSD, anxiety and emotional disorders, grief and loss, and psychedelic integration. The main tools in my toolbox are Internal Family Systems therapy, psychedelic-assisted therapy, and mindfulness. My process begins with a free 20 minute phone call to get a sense of your needs and assess if we are a good fit for each other. I invite you to reach out by email with any questions you may have. Asking for help can be difficult. Taking that first step to reach out can be powerful.