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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In White River Junction, VT

location-map White River Junction, VT | (802) 348 2582

Current Waitlist Only

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From 0 Reviews

I specialize in the treatment of anxiety, depression, and trauma in individuals of all ages. I work to look under the surface and get to the root cause that is contributing to the symptoms keeping my clients stuck from living a fulfilling life. We will work together to understand what is happening in your brain and body, work through current and past stressors that are contributing to your current symptoms and develop coping strategies to be able to better manage stressors. My approach is person-centered, compassionate, and empathic while bringing my full authentic self to the work. I am supportive with a sense of unconditional positive regard and belief that people do the best they can, while also challenging my clients to stretch themselves and work towards goals that will promote meaningful change in their lives. There is hope and healing to be found. Skilled therapy can guide you through understanding what is happening in your brain and body that has overwhelmed your coping resources and negatively impacted your functioning. You can be safely guided through understanding and managing your affect, improving your coping skills, and safely processing stressors.

location-map White River Junction, VT | (802) 392 4042

Accepting New Clients

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Collaborative counseling and consulting can help. Together we create a professional and purposeful space for reflection and decision making. I can help you navigate lasting change, overcome barriers, accelerate development, achieve balance and meet-or exceed-your goals. Strengths-based collaborative counseling for individuals and families helps to clarify and resolve conflicts and advance personal and professional growth. We work together to develop sustainable solutions, healthy relationships and mutual understanding. Confidential and objective individual, family and organizational support, facilitation, mediation, intervention planning and implementation. Strengths-based collaborative counseling/consulting focuses on the whole person in a whole system and achieving meaningful results. I offer individual, telephone and on line services for one inclusive, monthly fee. Income based discounts are available. Please call or email me to discuss your needs and plans. I would be delighted to hear from you.