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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In North Bend, WA

location-map North Bend, WA | (425) 209 8216

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I view each individual's problems in the context of their life and relationships. My approach to therapy is best described as relational, client centered, and outcomes-focused. I provide therapeutic services to individuals, families, and couples whose interests are personal growth and development, relationship enhancement, individual and career transitions. I feel passionate about working with families and helping to foster better communication between couples as well as children and their parents. An area of speciality is family therapy as well as couples and premarital therapy. I am skilled at supporting each individual in the room, while exploring challenging topics and conflict. I am a Gottman trained therapist with extensive training in human sexuality. My practice is located in beautiful North Bend, right between Snoqualmie and North Bend city limits.

location-map North Bend, WA | (425) 502 5990

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Are you feeling a sense of dissatisfaction with the way things are in your life right now? Maybe you find yourself feeling hopeless or wondering "is this as good as it gets?" Life presents us with a variety of challenges and it's normal to feel overwhelmed or inadequate at times. Therapy can help. I believe that everyone (and this includes you!) has the ability to create a life of meaning and purpose. If you are ready for your life to change, we can work together to move you toward the kind of life you desire. I work with adults and teens age 14 and older on issues including anxiety, depression, behavioral issues, and life transitions. Psychotherapy gives us the opportunity to get beneath the symptoms to the cause of our dysfunction. Oftentimes, it is a disconnection with our authentic self that has moved us away from a sense of wholeness and joy. You have the answers within you. You are the expert on yourself and your life, but the therapeutic process allows those answers to come forth. Yes, the process of change can be uncomfortable at times, but the outcome, a richer, more fulfilling life, is worth the effort.