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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 5 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Whatcom, WA
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Therapy can be a vulnerable thing to ask for and difficult to find someone who is a good fit for you. I think having a counseling relationship where you feel safe to express yourself and feel understood by your therapist is so important. I have the utmost respect for those who find courage to share their pain and struggles with another. I view all people as complex individuals with unique reasons and perspectives on how they live their lives. I also believe people have a natural desire to move towards health and that we often get stuck in that pursuit. I would like to help support you through the challenges of transition, trauma, and uncertainty. Together we will learn what obstacles you are facing and how mental health impacts our ability to live life more fully.
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If you feel like substance use seems to control you more than you control it, you aren’t alone. For so many people, alcohol and other drugs are firmly embedded in day-to-day life: Stressful day? Time for a drink. Celebration? Yes, let’s party. Socializing? To the bar. Bored, nervous, lonely, restless, excited, frustrated—the list of emotions and experiences commonly coupled with alcohol or other drugs goes on and on. I believe in your capacity to build a better relationship to substances, to emotions, to others, and to yourself. Simply by arriving here and considering support, you're tapping into that part capable of change. Whether you're looking to stay sober, practice moderation, or explore the mental health issues making life difficult, I'm ready to meet you wherever you're at. As a dual-licensed mental health and substance use counselor, I'm able to work with a variety of mental health issues especially when alcohol, drugs, or other addictions are entangled with them. I use attachment and neurobiological theories to address substance use and other addictive tendencies at their roots, which is so often trauma, isolation, and relationship wounds. Together, we can figure out how these experiences are showing up in your responses to stress—and practice new responses that feel more helpful. Email me to see if we're a fit!
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It takes so much courage to search for a therapist and reach out for help. Just by looking at this website, you are already taking steps towards something better. You can stop automatically reacting to thoughts, feelings, and sensations in ways that seem to only make things worse, like shutting down or exploding. Together, we can make space for tough feelings and discover how to live with meaning, purpose, and intentional action. I specialize in treating mood disorders, chronic pain, health issues and SSRDs, stress management (including professional and/or parenting stress), and prolonged grief disorder. I believe therapy should be focused and time-limited. I use evidence-based treatments, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills, Mindfulness-based treatments, traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and exposure-based treatments, such as EXRP and Prolonged Exposure. I also provide Prolonged Grief Disorder Therapy. While I can't guarantee that worries, memories, negative self-talk, or unpleasant sensations will go away, I can help you relate to them differently so they no longer get in the way of you living fully. Your life can be different. Together, we will make change a reality.
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At this time, I primarily offer in-person sessions, with masks optional, per CDC guidance. With over 30 years of clinical experience, my approach is tailored uniquely to each person's strengths and challenges, drawing from many effective tools to support body, heart and spirit. In addition to cognitve-behavioral approaches, I may include relaxation, active imagination, art and journaling, and other tools to calm the nervous system. I am a Certified practitioner of Lifespan Integration (, a very effective, neuro-science based approach to trauma treatment. Please see my website for more info: I assist people with relationships, trauma and loss, depression, anxiety, blocks to creativity and self-expression. I support people in life transitions, to not only "get through", but to emerge into a flourishing new life. I work with families reeling from divorce, and people recovering from domestic and childhood abuse, as well as other traumatic events. My intention is always to assist people in clearing away the inner obstacles to a richer, more joyous life.
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My background in the mental health field is quite wide and varied. I have worked with a range of ages, cultures, client issues, and environments. Both clients and colleagues alike have described my approach as pragmatic and straightforward. I offer simple, practical suggestions, while being client-centered and collaborative to create and achieve their goals.
LF 61117197 | Washington
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As a Certified Hakomi Therapist my offering is a Somatic Experiential Psychotherapy modality that is gentle, non-judgmental, and compassionate; a form of assisted self-study where the client studies his or her responses to explorations in a mindful state of consciousness. We become aware and touch upon the very organizing experiences that have been a part of our habitual life - the patterns that no long serve us. We increase clarity, creativity, confidence and awareness and break through obstacles towards ease, connection and vitality. I am available for phone or online sessions. I also offer The Tamalpa Life/Art Process®, a Movement-Based Expressive Arts Therapy model. This multi-modal approach assists in the development of somatic awareness, nurtures creativity, creates change and encourages integration. This process places the individual as the agent of change empowering personal responsibility and integrity. An underlying metaphor and foundation of my Hakomi Psychotherapy work is the concept of Kintsukuroi, meaning, "To Repair With Gold:" The Japanese art of repairing pottery with gold with the understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. We don't hide our flaws, we illuminate and celebrate them.
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