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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Beaver Dam, WI

location-map Beaver Dam, WI | (920) 689 5157

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Heart racing, hands sweating, mouth dry, barely breathing, another tension headache with achy neck and shoulders - that's all before breakfast. Anxiety is felt emotionally, but also physically. It used to be "normal worry" about "important things". Now, more and more, you find yourself "white knuckling" through your day. You dread bedtime. Every night brings the misery of staring at the ceiling with a racing mind, knowing that you will be exhausted the next day (when you need to get a million things done). Your doctor wants to put you on medication. But you're the type of person who'd rather get a handle on this without meds. Biofeedback therapy hands you the keys to your nervous system. It will show you how your body is reacting to stress and equip you with the tools to quickly and easily reverse that "fight or flight" response. Monitoring heart rate, respiration rate, skin conductance, mm. tension, and hand temperature will help you learn to self-regulate quickly and easily. This therapy empowers you to activate your "reset button" at a moment's notice. The skills you'll master through our work together will be easily accessible at work, while driving, and in social situations. You'll be able to quiet your mind, calm your body and focus clearly on your day in confidence. Call me now to get started.