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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Eau Claire, WI
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Eau Claire , WI | (715) 602 4032
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Are you feeling lost, questioning what's important in your life, and struggling to move forward? It's okay, you're not alone. Seeking help from a therapist can be a great step towards finding compassion for yourself and improving your mental health. And I'm here for you. Whether you've been to counseling before or this is your first time, we'll work together to create a unique and tailored space that meets your needs. I believe that the therapeutic relationship is crucial to healing and achieving your goals. With expertise in life purpose and meaning creation, college and graduate mental health, existential crisis, relationships, therapist counseling, and anxiety, I am particularly passionate about exploring anxiety through an existential lens. Together, you'll create a safe and non-judgmental space focused on growth and meaning creation. As a therapist, my extensive training and unwavering dedication to the counseling profession will provide you with a sense of safety, care, and security. Together, we will navigate through the challenges and complexities of your life and work towards achieving your goals and finding greater meaning and peace. Your journey is unique and meaningful.
8710-125 | Wisconsin
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