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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Marquette, WI
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Marquette , WI | (608) 597 2693
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Working completely online, I create a safe space for individuals and couples to navigate life changes with an emphasis on intimacy and sexual concerns. I work to empower individuals and couples to explore intimacy and sexuality in a positive way to instill self-understanding and help clients to adopt new attitudes and feelings towards life, intimacy, desire, passion, and sex. I work from the approach that you are a whole person and the aim of therapy is dive into all aspects of who you are and the intersects that shape your perception of self and the world. View 4 Photos As a Board Certified Sexologist, I specialize in relationships, intimacy, and sex therapy. This means, day to day living, life transitions, and mental health impact relationships, intimacy, and sex. Your individual experiences shape all aspects of your life. Let's dig deeper to help you thrive and not just survive. Life can be tough and the challenges can be overwhelming. You do not have to face the challenges alone, instead allow therapy to provide you the tools needed to manage life transitions and live a more balanced life. With the goal to thrive and not just survive.
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