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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 2 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rock, WI
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6593-125 | Wisconsin
8525-125 | Wisconsin
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My goal in counseling is to provide professional and compassionate services to clients. I do this by using a non-judgmental approach. The foundation of effective counseling is a good collaborative approach that requires honest caring without judgment. My focus is on anxiety, stress management, perfectionism, the high achiever, social anxiety, trauma recovery, relationship counseling, and life transitions. Myra Braun received her Masters of Science in Community Counseling from Concordia University. Her undergrad work includes degrees in Education, Psychology, Criminal Justice and Sociology. She is bilingual in Spanish, her native language. Myra has done further trainings nationally and internationally (United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Australia) on various approaches to the treatment of anxiety; including the benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, clinical hypnosis, mindfulness, and other evidence-based treatments.
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