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Today is March 30, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sheboygan Falls, WI

location-map Sheboygan Falls, WI | (920) 349 1002

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My ideal client is someone who needs direction, is motivated, open to change and being vulnerable. Their issues maybe low self-esteem, shame, depression, grief, codependency issues, or has suffered from mental abuse. My client may be in the midst of a divorce or a relationship break up. I enjoy working with clients in the midst of a life transition, because it provides me a blank canvas to work from. Often I work with clients, who come in for a relationship issues and end up finding oneself. It's joy of mine remembering how client's presented initially, and seeing how far they've come during our closure session. I provide an eclectic approach, with a foundation in working with client's on their core issues. I provide client's with "reparenting," (the nurturance, acceptance, validation, protection, and support) necessary for the client's to build upon their True Self. In addition to techniques, skills and psychoeducation designed specific to each client. We may feel mixed emotions about the idea of working with a therapist. Our thoughts of working with someone typically are based on our experiencing in relationships with other people. It's taboo for client's coming into therapy to feel worried about being judged. Just know I see therapy clients as "Warriors."Takes courage to be vulnerable and open to change.