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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In West Allis, WI

location-map West Allis, WI | (262) 384 6714

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With a comprehensive background in treating a range of mental health concerns, Culturally Diverse Counseling Center is committed to providing mental health and emotional support to individuals who are experiencing personal or psychological difficulties. Our Person-Centered and Cognitive Behavioral approach is designed to empower our clients to achieve their goals. We take pride in providing a non-judgmental, warm, and welcoming environment where clients can comfortably express their feelings and concerns. As a privileged member of our community, we are committed to delivering culturally sensitive counseling services that resonate with each client's unique needs with empathy and compassion. Our mission is to help individuals live a fulfilling and purposeful life.

location-map West Allis, WI | (414) 246 8678

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I graduated from Concordia University, WI. There, I obtained a master's degree in Professional Counseling. I have a special interest in couple's therapy, healthy relationship training, and youth issues. I am a member of the National Anger Management Association, Anger Management certification, a certified relationship coach, and has been trained in multiple curriculum to help families achieve healthy relationship. Bilingual Spanish/English. I believe in the holistic approach to therapy, (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and economical well-being). Friendly, culturally sensitive, solution focus, brief therapy, behavioral, and cognitive therapy approach. 414-405-1682 or Credentials MS - LPC (License Professional Counselor) Member of American Counseling Association- Member of the National Anger Management Association Associate Certified Coach(ACC) - Certified Christian Coach (CCC) - Certified Relationship Coach (CRC)- Relationship and Marriage Educator (RME) - Anger Management Certificate (AMC) - Conflict resolution- Prepare couples /Enrich. Retreat, workshop, and event presenter. I enjoy working with individuals, couples, and the family. I believe in the family as a cell, when one is affected the others suffer. Disfruto trabajando con individuos, parejas y familia. Creo en la familia como celula y se que cuando una parte es afectada la otra sufre