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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In AVMED

(786) 444 1735

Accepting New Clients

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Great to meet you! ****TO SETUP AN IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL ME DIRECTLY**** Hello, my name is Shane Wilson and I'm a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist in the state of Florida. Prior to entering the field of Mental Health Counseling, I served my country for 8 years as a United States Marine, becoming an OEF veteran in 2005. Since 2016, I've had the joy of treating a variety of patients including women and children of domestic violence, clients in the community, patients dealing with psychosis, military veterans, homeless clients and patients in the prison system. A bit about my approach to therapy: As a therapist, I've learned that more than one approach is often necessary to effectively resolve multiple issues a client may be facing, which is why I utilize an Integrative Therapy approach. This multimodal-approach employs interventions and strategies from multiple perspectives that are tailor-made to each client's condition and treatment. As a result, client challenges are inclusively addressed in a supportive environment. What you can expect from our first session: My objective is for my clients to leave their sessions feeling respected, heard, understood and hopeful with more insight. Together we will work as a team to explore and set goals that will help them to not only overcome obstacles and achieve their aspirations but also reach their full potential that will lead them to a better quality of life.