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Today is March 31, 2025
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Boston, Massachusetts | (978) 317 2992

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Carey Driscoll has worked in the social work field for 25 years and has been in private practice for a decade. During the pandemic, the need for therapists increased, so starting Driscoll Care Group was an easy decision. Each clinician was hand selected and adds so much value to each client's life and my own! Each clinician brings a unique skill set and always comes from a realistic life-centered focus. Before working in private practice, Carey was the Principal of an all-boys residential school in California. Prior to this, Carey was an educational consultant in the State of Alaska. Before this, Carey was a school adjustment counselor at a school outside of Boston for kids ages 5-21 who had failed (or been failed) in the regular education setting and needed a special education school setting. In all of these settings, Carey’s passion was to find the root of the problem so that each child could find success and joy. Labeling humans with a diagnosis, without getting to the why has never been my approach and in fact, I dislike labels, as they don’t inform practice. Taking the time to understand how people view the world and why, makes their behaviors make sense. Fixing someone's behaviors is absolutely doable, but one needs to understand the why first. Stepping back and getting to know someone at their core makes understanding their path to happiness clearer. We’re strong believers that everyone can achieve great heights, but it has to start with YOU!

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