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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In BlueShield Of Northeastern New York

location-map New York | (516) 799 3320

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I hold the belief that we are all much more similar than different. We all want and need many of the same emotional, interpersonal, and internal things... self-respect, respect from others, security, love, safety, an internal sense of power and self-efficacy, to know we matter in the world. Within our sameness, though, the spark of uniqueness is what sets us apart, and that flame needs to be fanned and nurtured. I am a straight cis woman, a loud and proud LGBTQ+ ally, a staunch BLM supporter, a social liberal, a believer in science. As a devout vegan and animal rights activist, I remain respectful yet powerful in my position. My world is populated by people whose beliefs are diverse, and I am steadfastly supportive and encouraging of individuality, while believing that all opinions are most powerful when supported by verifiable facts. I am honored and humbled by the faith and trust my patients place in me, and work assiduously to continue to deserve it.