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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Medcost
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At Compassion Counseling Center, we believe in the power of healing through compassionate care. Led by Dr. Jacqueline Puz, a seasoned therapist with over 19 years of experience, we provide a safe and nurturing environment for individuals, couples, and families seeking support and guidance. Statement of Faith We will not impose our faith/beliefs on anyone, but we are not ashamed to express and share principles of faith when, and if, it is appropriate and does not cause harm.
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I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. The wonderful thing about social work is that it allows you to serve in a variety of settings, populations and developmental levels. My background in medical settings has given me a unique perspective into the social/emotional needs of those coping with illness and it is that experience that I bring into my sessions with clients. Much of my work since obtaining my MSW has been in providing support to families in the the medical settings. My experience includes providing psychosocial support to many uninsured or under-insured clients with multiple and chronic medical conditions. I was also privileged to work in a Children's hospital with children and families infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. I spent 13 meaningful years working with the dying and their families in end of life care at hospice. In addition, I have experience working in mental health settings with children, teens and adults in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Resilient clients, who have overcome or learned to live well with medical challenges, have taught me about the strengths and needs of person's coping with illness and I bring those lessons into my sessions with clients.
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