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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Molina Healthcare Of Florida, Inc

(210) 895 4309

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HI, I’M JENNIFER L. HILLIER M.A. LPC (SHE/HER) A TEXAS LICENSED PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR AND CERTIFIED CLINICAL TRAUMA THERAPIST. MY PURPOSE: I’m committed to helping you become your best, so you can do your best at helping others. My life's work is helping others to fulfill theirs. Counseling with me goes beyond healing. Together through deeper exploration, we will emerge with a greater understanding of who you are and what you bring to the world. MY BELIEF: I do not buy into the stigma that counseling is for those with severe mental health. I believe that therapy is a form of self-care that everyone deserves. MY PROMISE TO YOU: To be authentic and foster a genuine therapeutic relationship with you in which no words or subject is off limits for us to explore. To be honest, transparent, and direct with you, even if it is uncomfortable to do so. To be compassionate, and understanding, and provide guidance when examining beliefs that are preventing progress. To continuously learn and grow by committing to my own education and growth in order to better support you in yours. MY COMMITMENT: As your therapist, I will challenge you to become the best version of yourself, but I am also committed to being by your side when things get uncomfortable and hard. As your therapist you will no longer have to do this alone; take comfort in knowing that you are in experienced hands now. MY APPROACH: Counseling is about learning the art of being human while discovering your authentic self, finding your purpose, and determining how you will navigate your life moving forward. What it means to develop connections and be in a relationship. You'll find a safe, non-judgmental space with me to explore and practice new skills as your therapist. My therapeutic approach is designed and tailored around the specific needs of my client. MY GOAL: In every session, I strive to make you feel that your time with me was productive and worthwhile. Every week will look different. As therapy isn't a set process, you may process the events of the previous week, explore past experiences more deeply, or gain new skills to manage future experiences. You can count on me asking, what would you like to focus on today? MY EXPERIENCE: I am an all-inclusive therapist who tailors my treatment approach to the specific needs of my clients. Due to my education, experience, and background, I am well-prepared for working with diverse populations and issues. Among my specialties is working with clients who have experienced trauma, toxic relationships, narcissism, abuse, and/or grief and loss. Who struggle with self-worth issues, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and co-dependency. In addition, I have experience working with individuals who have mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders, borderline personality disorders, panic disorders, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia. MY SPECIALIZATION: My specialization includes working with other therapists and health care professionals, first responders, attorneys, public defenders, lawyers, BIPOC, college students, LGBTIA+ communities, polyamory, and positive kink sex-friendly communities, teachers, educators, professors, and teen parents. These issues include anxiety, depression, life transitions, communication, setting boundaries, guilt and shame, relationship issues, low self-esteem, overthinking, and trauma unresolved. LEARN MORE ABOUT JENNIFER OUTSIDE OF THERAPY. When I am not helping others or expanding on my skills you will find me traveling to new and ancient places—exploring their culture and culinary dishes. When I am not traveling, you will find me shopping at the local farmer markets, or in antique shops and even second-hand stores, but mostly, in the countryside, spreading seeds of native flowers and plants for the birds, bees, and butterflies. When at home, you will find me tending to my garden filled with vibrant colors, smells, textures, and loving animals. Where you will see me laughing, dancing like nobody's business, and singing out of tune.