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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In New Directions

(772) 207 1095

Accepting New Clients

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Hello, my name is Caroline Pace, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Psychotherapist, with an authentic, no nonsense, keeping it real attitude and personality. Clinically certified in treating Anxiety and ADHD. Specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT. Authenticity is at the core of my practice. No judgements, no shame, a safe place to express yourself and be heard. Come just as you are…feeling anxious, depressed, angry, low self-esteem, overwhelmed, stressed, lacking confidence, tired or just stuck. If you are struggling with difficulties and challenges, please reach out today…Hope is real, and change is possible. I specialize in working with people who are experiencing loneliness. Struggling with self-worth and purpose. These experiences and struggles often lead to anxiety, depression, stress, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty with relationships, loss of motivation, lack of confidence, irritability, and anger. You are not Alone... My approach is simple, we work together on the issues that are most important to you, in a way that fits with who you are. Treatment therapies may vary from CBT to Psychotherapy. You will be provided with the necessary skills to help you achieve your goals and create a more confident you. You can expect to be supported, encouraged, and even challenged when needed.