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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Self Pay

(410) 210 4836

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I approach treatment from a worldview that believes individuals are unique and gifted, created with meaning and purpose, and made to have a relationship with God and others. Because of brokenness in ourselves and in the world, we experience conflict and struggle, often severe enough to impact our ability to function each day and find joy in living. When we are able to understand our experiences in context of what is true, healing begins. It's my privilege to help other's see their unique abilities, strengths, and potential. I believe each of us are invaluable and purposed to live during this time. Pulling from a trauma-informed approach, I infuse a variety of techniques and tools to help individuals heal, thrive, and truly live. If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, trauma, life changes, grief/loss, or general mental health concerns, there is hope! You can experience life to the fullest and learn how to move through difficulties with new insight and capabilities. Life can be difficult and we were not meant to go through it alone. Reach out today!