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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 4 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Accelerated Resolution Therapy


location-map Ramsey , MN | (612) 470 0991

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I help women get unstuck and bring life back into alignment with their purpose, passions, and values. I specialize in working with clients who are craving a sense of freedom in their lives. They’re tired of feeling defined by their anxiety or like no one in their life can really understand what they’re going through. My clients are willing to get vulnerable and embrace their imperfections (even when it’s uncomfortable) in order to make a difference in their life and their world.

Licence Information:

3661 | Minnesota

Owner and Clinic Director of Lake Geneva Wellness Clinic

location-map Walworth , WI | (262) 248 7942

Not Accepting Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Licence Information:

4002-125 | Wisconsin

LCSW | Author

location-map Westchester , NY | (914) 440 0749

Accepting New Clients

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Licence Information:

073109 | New York

location-map Harris , TX | (346) 291 3515

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Marcelina Washington is the Executive Director and Founder of Living Stones Counseling Center with locations in Houston and Montgomery, TX. She is also the Executive of the Success Is Planned, Consultation and Crisis Case Management Training Institute. For the last three-years she has served Human Services Advisory Committee at Lone Star Community College. Marcelina received a dual Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Sociology, with a concentration in Women’s Studies, from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. And years later, pursued a Master’s in Education with a concentration on Clinical Mental Health Counseling from the University of Houston Victoria- Katy Campus. Her passion to serve others began as she mentored mothers who were incarcerated at the Harris County Jails in the Women Helping Ourselves- Atascocita (WHO-A) program. During this time, she was exposed to the therapeutic process and encouraged to pursue a license as an addiction counselor. She later utilized her skills as a Counseling intern, to educate and empower incarcerated women at the Henley State Prison in Dayton, TX. These women experienced both mental health and chemical dependency diagnoses. Her primary responsibilities included diagnostic assessments, group/individual counseling, and case management duties. Working with women at this capacity proved to be rewarding, however it was quite evident to her, that there was a significant gap between the two diagnoses. In 2016, she successfully completed the requirements to become a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. She has trained staff and volunteers to access and identify victims of domestic violence and sex-trafficking. Marcelina has nearly 25 years, of Case Management experience, which includes three years of working with homeless veterans, disaster services, and has trained/ provided consultation work for an award-winning case management team. Marcelina currently provides clinical diagnosis, counsels and provided interventions to adolescence and adults living with multiple comorbid symptoms.

Licence Information:

82020 | Texas