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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 3 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

Executive Director of The Blue Blanket

location-map Buncombe , NC | (772) 828 0778

Not Accepting Clients

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From 0 Reviews

My longtime dream of creating a multi-modality “mind wellness” center finally come true in August 2022, after years of painstaking work and finding just the right “experts” to join me in turning this dream into a reality. The Blue Blanket, Inc. has opened its doors in Asheville, North Carolina with virtual and self-paced seminars and weeklong retreats that have their roots in psychology and neuroscience, but also include mindfulness, art therapy, yoga, acceptance & commitment therapy, sound healing, journaling, forest bathing, and so much more. My background includes individual and group therapy for those with a wide array of diagnoses, and working in environments such as psychiatric hospitals, nonprofits, hospice, elementary schools, and a private practice. The Blue Blanket aims to help not only people with diagnosable mental conditions, but also those who feel overwhelmed, weary, discouraged, dissatisfied, or are looking for direction and purpose for their lives. Our website is  

Licence Information:

CO14551 | North Carolina

location-map Buncombe , NC

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Licence Information:

5988 | Nc

location-map Ramsey , MN | (651) 212 5330

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

I have worked with adolescents and young adults for over 30 years as an outdoor professional, school counselor and licensed psychologist.

Licence Information:

LP5277 | Minnesota