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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Anger Mgmt

location-map Suffolk , NY | (631) 681 2738

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Great to meet you! I am an attentive careful listener who can help you attain insight into areas of your life which you find difficult, troubling, challenging or painful. I consider psychotherapy a journey in which I will accompany you in a way that will help you resolve issues, have deeper understanding of yourself and how you can be empowered to achieve greater effectiveness, self expression and confidence to make your life be the way you want it to be. I'll help you create lasting positive change in your life. A bit about my approach to therapy I provide my clients with a confidential, safe environment in which you can share your most personal important issues where I will provide feedback and help you gain insight, relief, coping skills, resilience, tools and whatever is necessary for you to find and implement a successful desired resolution. I will help you to express and understand your emotions in a more effective way. I am an experienced LCSW psychotherapist practicing 15 years, graduating from Adelphi University in 2007. What you can expect from our first session Even the most difficult situation can be helped to become better, and in our sessions we will work effectively to give you the confidence and skills you need to make your life more workable, feel happier and be more satisfied. If you are suffering with anxiety, depression, mood swings, anger, grief, uncertainty, relationship problems or you are just not feeling right and need assistance and understanding, you can expect to experience transformational and lasting relief through our work together.

Licence Information:

083621 | New York