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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 4 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Attachment Based

location-map Crisp , GA | (609) 749 8677

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At Acacia Life Therapy, our mission is to empower individuals to achieve mental and emotional longevity through expert, compassionate care. Drawing inspiration from the Acacia tree, revered in ancient Egypt as a symbol of resilience, protection, enlightenment, and renewal. In the same vein as the Acacia's steadfast presence spanning across diverse landscapes, we aim to cultivate an environment where resilience is not merely a trait but a way of life, where the spirit thrives even amidst adversity, echoing the enduring legacy of the revered Acacia tree through the ages. We specialize in Individualized Therapy in a confidential and professional 100% HIPPA approved virtual sessions with Clinically Licensed Clinicians. We currently accept a variety of Insurance plans, Please contact us for more details on accepted insurance providers.

Therapist & Clinical Supervisor

location-map San Francisco , CA | (415) 275 0470

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As an experienced relational, eating and mood disorder therapist, I help clients address their struggles with food, anxiety, emotional pain, disconnection, trauma, and destructive patterns of self-blame. Together we reduce shame and suffering, develop coping mechanisms aligned with who you are and your experiences. We build awareness of your cycles and patterns and address your emotional needs, while nurturing your inner strength and adopting changes that embrace who you are and allow you to flourish.

Licence Information:

LMFT 111229 | California

location-map Henry , GA | (762) 499 3403

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Licence Information:

LPC009508 | Georgia

Sex Therapist

(407) 470 1222

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Tori Ricci is a certified clinical sexologist and a licensed clinical social worker. She has master’s degrees in both exercise science and social work. She is a psychotherapist that specializes in sex, relationships, and connection. She currently has a private practice where she sees clients statewide via telehealth. She is passionate about helping both individuals and couples to create healthy intimacy and fulfilling relationships. The bulk of her work revolves around supporting challenges such as - desire discrepancy, communication deficits, lack of connection or intimacy, illness or disability barriers, orgasm dysfunction, relationship restructuring, and grief. She has been working with couples and individuals in a variety of settings for the last 15 years – including marriage counseling, neuro-degenerative medicine, grief counseling, and disability programs. She has spent the last 5 years focusing on treating the whole person or couple through a variety of therapeutic modalities and strongly believes everyone deserves to feel intention and connection within themselves and their relationships. More personally, she is a devoted spouse, mother, and animal advocate.

Licence Information:

SW20781 | Florida