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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Attachment Based Family Therapy
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Hi, I am Jordan C. Gray, MA, LMFT of Gray Therapeutics. I graduated from OHIO UNIVERSITY in 2010 with a Bachelors Degree of Psychology and Associates Degree of English. Additionally, I graduated from ARGOSY UNIVERSITY - SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA in 2014 with a Masters Degree of Counseling Psychology. Over the last (10-years, my work experiences includes work with: (i) youth & adolescent, (ii) community mental health, (iii) adult & aging, (iv) developmentally/emotionally/physically disabled youth, and (v) substance abuse counseling and residential treatment. I have worked with various mental health facilities across Northern & Southern California over the last ten (10)-years. I was (i) an Intervention Specialist within the Oakland (CA) Unified School District (OUSD; K-5), (ii) an Associate Marriage & Family Therapist at the East Bay Agency for Children (EBAC) conducting school based therapy interventions in OUSD (i.e., K - 12), (iii) a Case Supervisor at Behavioral Health Works (BHW) in Orange County (CA), (iv) an Associate Marriage & Family Therapist at College Community Services in Anaheim, CA, (v) a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with Newport Academy/Institute in Orange, CA, and (vi) a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist at Foresight Mental Health in CA. I use a combination of skills & interventions related to: cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), acceptance & commitment (ACT), relational trauma repair (RTR), eye movement desensitization & reprocessing (EMDR), attachment based family therapy (ABFT), solution-focused therapy (SFT), motivational interviewing (MI), humanistic & post-modern modalities, and trauma-informed therapy. If you’ve made it this far and still are uncertain about whether or not we will be an appropriate fit, please reach out and schedule an intake appointment. I will do my best to address any concerns you might have. I look forward to meeting you where you are. I accept 6 major insurances: AetnaPPO, CignaPPO, Magellan, Beacon, Optum/UBH, and California Blue Shield. Request an appointment here:
106723 | California
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